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Make More Money From Hubpages

Updated on May 30, 2013

Make Money

How To Make More Money From Hubpages

I recently published the Hub How To Make Money From Hubpages that went into detail about the 6 different ways that you can earn money from writing on the Hubpages platform and the best methods to use for each of the advertising affiliates.

Since publishing that Hub I have received a ton of emails from people who have recently joined Hubpages asking various questions regarding where the money I earn comes from, which type of hubs make the most money, and the most asked question of all why are my hubs not making money?

I write this article in response to the emails because if I were to answer each one individually it would take me a very long time and I would be repeating myself over and over again.

Jimmy's Payments from Google Adsense

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Q1. How Much Does Jimmy Earn on Hubpages

A popular question I get from new Hubbers is How Much do you earn?

I am the first to admit that I am not amongst the top earners on Hubpages but I do recieve a regular monthly income from my writing on the site.

At the time of writing I am earning between $300-$400 every month from Hubpages and their affiliates.

Google is my top earner every month sending me out a check for approximately $200.

Ebay is next in line and my paypal account recieves around $50-$60 each month.

Amazon earns me approx $30-$40 a month

Kontera earns around $20-$30 each month

URL Trackers account for almost 30% of my total earnings from Hubpages.

Of course some months are better than others but the above are my average earnings from Hubpages.

Over the past couple of months I have not been very active on Hubpages and because of this I expected my earnings from the site to drop, to my surprise my earnings have remained approximateley at the same levels from each of the affiliated advertisers.

Writing For Money

If I Want To Earn What Should I Write About?

The Million Dollar Question is: What should I write about to make money?

There are a million topics to choose from and millions of websites out there on each topic, finding a niche topic to write about gets more and more difficult every day.

Instead of asking yourself What should I write about that will make me money?you should be asking, What do I know that I can write about?

It doesn't really matter which topic you choose to write about, it is the content of your article or hub that is most important, for example, if you decide to write an article about how to make money on the Internet, you will find millions of articles on the same topic on an internet search, if you click on a few of them you will find that most of them contain similar information worded slightly differently.

Unique Content

Writing the same information as everyone else has on a topic will get you nowhere fast, you have to try and look at your chosen subject from a different perspective, you have to write an article that stands out from the crowd, an article that is unique well written and well researched.

Earning a Regular Income From Hubpages

To earn a regular income from your writing on Hubpages rather than a quick Buck or two you have to think about people and their Internet surfing habits, at Christmas time, for example, people around the world search the Internet for topics related to the time of the year, therefore if you write mainly Christmas themed hubs your earnings from visitors will rise sharply but fall away after the festive season is over.

If you write a story about a hot item in the News, then you will maybe earn a few dollars for a few days until that story becomes a thing of the past as a new hot News Item takes precidence over yours.

The secret of writing success is finding a topic that people search for on a daily basis, for example, Topics such as pregnancy, money, sport, relationships, birthdays, clothes, how to guides, health, beauty and many other topics are always hot on the search engine top search lists.

Where is my Money?

Why Are My Hubs Not Making Any Money?

 I get this question almost on a daily basis from Hubbers who joined recently and the simple answer is Patience, to make money from your hubs you need to get visitors, to get visitors you need to get a good search engine ranking, to get a good search engine ranking you need to build up a reputation for good quality writing with Hubpages and the search engines, The more quality well written original Hubs that you write the more your reputation goes up and your hubs will get listed quicker on the search engines, I have seen some of my recent hubs at the top of Google search within 20 minutes of hitting the publish now button.

It can take a few months before you earn enough from your Hubs to recieve a payment from the advertisers 9 months is about average for regular Hubbers to recieve their first Google cheque.

When I joined Hubpages it took almost 3 months to get my first click on a Google ad, and I earned a grand total of 11 cents from that one click, after that first click I started getting clicks every day, and after a further 6 months I recieved my first cheque from adsense for $103.20 it took another 3 months till my next cheque to arrive for $122.48, every month since that second cheque I have recieved  a cheque from Google.

A little patience and writing hubs on a regular basis and you should soon see the money.


Keyword research and finding out which keywords are worth the most can be a complete waste of time and effort, Mesotheliomia is one of the highest paid keywords on the Internet, but because of this everyone and their grandpa's are writing useless information on the subject and the Internet is flooded with articles related to the topic, getting listed on the search engines for the term Mesotheliomia is almost impossible.

To make the most of Keywords you should write your article and then research keywords that are relevant to it.


The methods above work for me and I make a good regular income from Hubpages using them, this does not guarantee that the same methods will work for you.


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