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Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Updated on April 28, 2012

Pregnancy test

Early pregnancy symptoms and information

Do you think that you might be pregnant? Don't panic take a few minutes to read this page and find out what your body is telling you, you may have some of the symptoms of pregnancy but to be sure one way or the other you should get yourself a home pregnancy testing kit.

It is often reported in the newspapers and on television news about young girls and older women who got the biggest shock of their lives because they did not know that they were pregnant, going about their daily lives when suddenly they are in excruciating pain and out pops a baby.

The first question always asked after such an event is always "What do you mean you didn't know" followed by "you must have had some of the symptoms or signs of pregnancy".

There are many different signs that you may be with child, but individually the signs can be confused as just feeling a little off colour, some people breeze through pregnancy whilst others are ill from day one until the child is born.

It would be a lot easier if everyone who got pregnant displayed the exact same symptoms, but it does not work like that each person is unique and their bodies react differently to pregnancy, someone may be sick every morning from day one, whereas another person may not be sick once.

Although the list below contains symptoms of pregnancy, they can also be symptoms of other things, and some people can be pregnant and not display any of the symptoms.

2 pink lines = pregnant

pregnancy symptoms

Missed period:

A missed period is often when a woman will suspect that she may be pregnant. If you have a late period, then consider whether or not you've recently been sick, gained or lost a significant amount of weight, have been under excessive stress or have taken any new medications. All of these things can affect your menstrual cycle and cause you to have irregular periods. Additionally, certain types of birth control, including the birth control pill, Norplant and Depo-Provera can cause you to have menstrual cycles disturbances.

Swollen or Tender Breasts:

As early as 2 weeks into pregnancy hormonal changes can affect your breasts, they may become sore, tender, feel tingly, or you may notice that your breasts become fuller and heavier.


The Progesterone Hormone levels in your body go through the roof during the early weeks of pregnancy; this can lead to lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels, and increased blood production, which drains your energy.


The hormone changes and the increased blood circulation in your body early on in pregnancy can bring on headaches.

Mood swings:

With all of the hormonal changes mood swings in early pregnancy are a common occurrence, laughing one minute crying the next, from happy go lucky to irritated and angry for no apparent reason these are normal mainly during the first trimester of pregnancy.


Common in early pregnancy, constipation is caused by the increased Progesterone in your body causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines.

Faintness and dizziness:

As your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, you may feel light-headed or dizzy. Early in pregnancy, faintness may also be triggered by low blood sugar.

Food aversions or cravings:

The hormonal changes can lead to cravings for certain foods sometimes food that you would never normally eat. On the other hand, though you may go completely off food that you would usually eat.

Slight bleeding or cramping:

For some women, a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Known as implantation bleeding, it happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus - about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. This type of bleeding is usually a bit earlier, spottier, and lighter in colour than a normal period and does not last as long.

Some women also experience abdominal cramping early in pregnancy. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.

If you are displaying any of the symptoms above a pregnancy testing kit is your next course of action if it comes up that you are not pregnant a visit to your doctor is recommended. If the test is positive you should also seek medical advice and get your prenatal care started.


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